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United in Purpose - Learn More About Us

Welcome to our community of patriots, where we unite to safeguard our shared interests and strengthen our nation. We believe in the power of nationalism, recognizing that our actions contribute to the well-being of our country. By supporting local products, we secure job opportunities and boost our economy while optimizing our resources for the benefit of all citizens.

Our platform embraces those born in the USA, as well as anyone with a deep love for this country, under the motto “Patriotism through Nationalism.” Regardless of background, color, race, religion, or political belief, if you share our patriotism, this is your home and information hub.

Mission Statement

Join the Patriot movement. If we do not protect our interests, no one will. Nationalism is being conscious of our actions toward protecting our interests. Consuming domestically produced products is one way of protecting our jobs. Stop wasting our funds on non-productive immigrants is another way of protecting our future existence.

This site is only for those who are born in the USA or love this country passionately. “Patriotism through Nationalism” You could be of any Color, Race, Religion, or political belief, but as long as you are born in the USA or a Patriot of this country, then this is your home, your information center.

Vision Statement

We envision a united and prosperous nation where citizens take pride in their shared heritage, actively contribute to the country’s well-being, and collaborate to build a stronger, more inclusive future.

What Makes Us Different

The premier organization championing “Nationalism.”

Our platform exclusively serves those born in the USA or deeply passionate about this country, united by the principle of “Patriotism through Nationalism.”

Embracing individuals of all colors, races, religions, and political beliefs, our community welcomes everyone born in the USA or with a patriotic love for this nation, making this space your home and information hub.

Reasons to Get Involved

What Is Wrong:

  • Flood of foreign products in the US market.
  • Subsidized foreign product prices to force American companies out of business and then increase to profitable prices.
  • Stealing technology and other ideas and producing products to sell in the US.
  • Elderly people migrate to the US through immigration census, immigration lottery, or chain migration, which devour our resources because the elderly are not contributing members of society, only users/drainers. Once they enter the US, they give their wealth (if they have any) to their children or trusted friends and claim poverty to receive benefits from SS and Medicaid, supported by our taxes which are designed to protect us/you in the future. If this trend continues, there will be no funds left to support you in your old age.
  • Older migrants make themselves eligible to receive food stamps, in-home services, and low-income housing

Ways to protect our jobs and way of life:

  • Be aware of what you are purchasing buy (as much as possible) products that are produced/manufactured in the US.
  • Purchase American Cars (all cars are copies of American invention anyway) let the non-Patriots drive the foreign brands.
  • Stop chain migration to prevent elderly and needy migrants to enter our society because they will consume our resources without having to contribute or invest any value or money into the system…. Let these elderly live where they spend their productive years not in US, depleting our resources.
  • Prevent food stamp and other State Tax supported services to be wasted on non-US born citizens.
  • Prevent Medicaid benefits to be given to non-US-born immigrants.
  • Prevent your tax dollar to be spend on non-US born individuals.
  • Promote and support laws to prevent Social Security to give away our funds to elderly migrants. That is the heaviest weight on SS and if we do no take action to prevent it, it will break the system in a few years.
  • Purchase from US born store owners even if you may be paying a little more.
  • Hire employees which are born in the US, even if you may have to pay a little more.
  • Offer your services for lower price to people or businesses which are owned by ones who are born in the US.

The job you are protecting may be your own, if not today, in a few years from now. The funds you are protecting (SS) are designed to benefit you in the future; if you don’t take action now, there will be none in the future to protect you.

*** Don’t forget we are borrowing money from foreign countries to support our welfare and other funds. Your consumption of foreign goods is fueling over 7.42 trillion-dollar debt to China, Japan, and other countries. See how much we owe: US debt to foreign countries 2022 – 2023 – Finmoov. And according to WorldAtlas, over 21 trillion-dollar debt to China, Japan, and other countries. See how much we owe: Countries the United States of America Is Most in Debt To – WorldAtlas.

Are you ready to learn more about our advocacy and how you can make a difference? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us! Contact us to discover the many ways you can contribute to our cause and help build a brighter future for our nation. Your involvement matters—reach out today and become a part of our growing community of patriots!

people holding the USA flag